Fungicidal Additives are formulated to protect the decoration from mould attack. Can be incorporated into emulsion paint, gloss paint, primers, undercoat, read more
Fungicidal Additives are formulated to protect the decoration from mould attack. Can be incorporated into emulsion paint, gloss paint, primers, undercoat, size, wallpaper paste and grout.
Add one Fungicidal Additive to 2½ litres of emulsion paint, wallpaper paste or size.
Add one Fungicidal Additive to 5 litres of primer, undercoat or gloss paint.
Thoroughly stir material after adding Fungicidal Additive.
MGC mould treatments have been successfully used throughout the UK for over 56 years by Local Authorities, Housing Associations, private landlords and homeowners. All MGC mould treatments, including Fungicidal Additives, are approved under COPR 1986 (as amended) by the Health and Safety Executive and are listed in M3NHF Schedule of Rates for mould treatment.
Bottle size: 50 mls
Pack size: 12 Bottles
For Trade purchase please call our Sales Office Number 01372 743334